Kellogg Logic Model (A Summary for Nonprofits) - Developing a theory of change and / or logic model is a key component of the evaluation process (especially if you’re interested in collecting outcome data). Luckily the W.K. Kellogg Foundation has a logic model guide. Developing a theory of change logic model allows you to explore your program’s logic. Exploring program logic is a great way to clarify how you believe your activities will lead to your results (or outcomes). This is a crucial part of nonprofit capacity building because it helps you clarify your organization’s vision and build a shared understanding among stakeholders. It also supports evaluation capacity building because it enables you to identify key outcomes so that you can start collecting meaningful data. If you’re asking “what is a theory of change?” please watch this video because I quickly review a program logic model template. A logic model is a type of theory of change. I’ll summarize the Kellogg Logic Model Development Guide (and the Kellogg Logic Model Template provided in the guide). You’ll walk away with a better understanding of what logic model outputs and outcomes are. I will also describe the types of logic models outlined by the Kellogg Foundation in their guide. If you want a logic model example, look at the Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Guide: In the comments below let me know if you found this helpful and are interested in seeing a summary of other guides (e.g., CDC Logic Model guide).
Logic Model Handout:
Logic Model Video: